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This 2-day course will allow participants to evaluate their sniper element against POST and NTOA recommended standards, current case law, and best practices.  Equipment, training and deployment procedures will be examined and assessed in a systematic manner so team leaders can prioritize the immediate needs of their team.  


16 hours (2 days)

Tuition:  $449.00

POST Course #1361-23219 (Plan N/A)


Next Course:  February 8-9, 2024                Sacramento, CA



This course allows those responsible for a Special Weapons and Tactics team to assess their team to ensure they are meeting current standards in all key areas.  Students will be able to evaluate their team for strengths and weaknesses based on current laws, case law, and best practices in areas including barricade resolution & hostage rescue capabilities, planned operation planning and execution, command structure, selection/retention criteria, risk mitigation practices, call out criteria, team tactics, training planning and documentation, chemical agents, diversionary devices, K-9 integration, breaching programs, equipment & technology, sniper programs, operational plans, and after-action reports.


24 hours (3 days)

Tuition:  $599.00

POST course #1361-23042 (Plan N/A)


Next Course:  TBA        



This course prepares students for planning and briefing law enforcement-initiated operations such as search warrants, arrest warrants, hostage rescues, buy-bust operations, high-risk arrests, and VIP protections details.  This is a learn-by-doing course that will require a high level of participation by students.  Briefing organization and presentation techniques will be stressed throughout the process.  


Course is recommended for tactical teams, gang units, narcotic units, and detective units.  


16 hours (2 days)

Tuition:  $499.00

POST Course #1361-23043 (Plan N/A)



Next Course:    Manhattan Beach, CA                 January 30-31, 2025



This course provides foundational POST-certified training in the use and deployment of diversionary devices during tactical applications.  Operators will learn applicable legal foundations related to their use, nomenclature and functionality, deployment and abort methods, render safe procedures, storage and carry considerations, and device capabilities and limitations.  Students will pass a written test to receive certification.  


8 hours (1 day)

Tuition:  $299.00

POST course #1361-23050 (Plan N/A)


Next Course:  TBA     

Course Flyer


This course prepares students to safely deploy tear gas from multiple platforms in a legally defensible manner.  This one-day user level POST certification gives students structured, documented training in the fundamentals of tactical applications.  Students will learn safe handling, post-use and decontamination protocols, proper use of a mask and filter, and legal issues related to tear gas deployment.


Recommended for tactical team members, mobile field force units, or anyone tasked with deploying tear gas.  


8 hours (1 day)

Tuition:  $349.00

POST Course #1361-80302 (Plan N/A)



Next Course:    September 30, 2024 (Fresno, CA)



This course provides foundational POST-certified training in how to properly plan and execute containment plans for warrant services and other tactical operations.  Relevant case law, planning strategies, resource placement, contingency plans, and use of force options will be covered at length during this 2-day course.  Students will participate in hands-on planning and warrant service execution exercises and have the opportunity to self-critique their performance and timing as a group.  

Newer tactical team members are often assigned containment responsibilities with limited or no training in this critical skill set.  This class will bridge that gap and provide legal and physical risk mitigation for real world operations. 


8 hours (2 days)

Tuition:  $529.00

POST course #1361-30866 (Plan N/A)


Next Course:  TBA    

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This course prepares students to plan and execute down officer / citizen rescues while mitigating risk factors.  Students will see interactive critical incident debriefs, participate in tabletop group planning exercises, and practice live hands-on rescue simulations under a variety of terrain configurations.  


There is no live-fire shooting during this class.  


8 hours (1 day)

Tuition:  $329.00

POST Course #1361-23016 (Plan N/A)


Next Course:    September 13, 2024 (Fresno, CA)



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This POST-certified course was designed to train law enforcement to conduct vehicle pins to immobilize a suspect in public places, especially when officers perceive a high probability of a pursuit ensuing during a traditional enforcement stop.  For many years, the only two options were to attempt to apprehend a violent suspect at a structure, or to attempt a vehicle stop and hope they didn't run.  The Vehicle Containment Techniques (VCT) Course provides officers with a hybrid option that takes the safety of law enforcement and the public into consideration.  


Who should attend:  Task force officers, gang units, narcotics detectives, fugitive teams, or anyone tasked with locating and arresting felony suspects.  


LOCATION:  Class may be held at various locations around the state.  See course flyer for session locations.    


Class Hours:  0800-1700 both days


POST CCN 1361-21126 (Plan N/A)


Tuition:  $699

​16 hours (2 days)

Tuition:  $699.00

POST course #1361- (Plan N/A)


Next Course:    March 6-7, 2025 (Fresno) - 1 left   

                             April 10-11, 2025 (Fresno) - OPEN


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