Sniper Unit Overview Course

Next course: TBA
This POST-approved 16-hour / 2-day course was designed for law enforcement personnel responsible for overseeing a sniper element on a SWAT Team.
After teaching snipers for over 20 years, my observations have shown that many are underequipped, undertrained and undersupervised. This high-liability position must be a high priority for professionalism, training and decision making.
Students will spend two days going through current legal standards and best practices for law enforcement precision marksman teams. Prepare your team for anything and protect your agency from liability. Topics covered include:
Selecting/retaining/removing personnel
Equipment considerations
Training standards
Decision making standards and considerations
Maximizing operational effectiveness
Qualification standards
Liability pitfalls
Case law review
Use of force update
Laptop computer
Thumb drive
Note taking materials
**Dress is casual for this course
Course schedule:
Day 1: 0800-1700
Day 2: 0800-1700
POST Control #1361-23219
Tuition: $449.00
Course location:
This course is put on at multiple locations throughout the state. Check course flyer for specific location. TBA
Recommended lodging: See course flyer.