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Tactical Mission Planning Course


This POST-approved 24-hour / 3-day course was designed for law enforcement personnel assigned to unit responsible for planning and carrying out agency-initiated operations such as fugitive apprehension, search/arrest warrant service, rescues, buy-bust operations, and mobile take downs.

While emergencies must be reacted to on the fly, law enforcement personnel are responsible for determining the time, place and manner of planned operations.  As such, we are held to a high standard and must prepare accordingly in a structured, methodical manner that will stand up in both criminal and civil court.  Courts have ruled that a 4th Amendment violation can actually occur in the planning phase!

Students will participate in multiple simulated planned missions.  They will be tasked with planning, scouting and briefing the operation to the class.  Special attention will be paid to the planning process as well as the organization and presentation of information during a briefing.  Anyone looking to learn or polish their planning and briefing skills would benefit from this course.  Topics covered include:

Selecting the time and place for an operation

Tactics to be considered

Specialized equipment

Scouting missions and intelligence gathering

Operational plans

Contingency planning

Briefing structure and delivery

Liability pitfalls 

Case law review 


Laptop computer

Thumb drive

Note taking materials

**Dress is casual for this course

Course schedule:

0800-1700 both days

Course location:  

This course is put on at multiple locations throughout the state.  Check course flyer for specific location.

Recommended lodging:  See course flyer.

Student Feedback from Course Evaluation:  



I just wanted to give you some feedback from applying the concepts learned from the Tactical Mission Planning course you put on in Santa Cruz a while back. 


Recently we were contacted by another agency to assist with a search warrant on a subject who was manufacturing automatic AR-15’s. I had about two days to plan the mission and was able to use the concepts I learned from your course. I used the PowerPoint given during the course for the briefing. The PowerPoint was an awesome reference as I was planning the mission and I felt I left no stone unturned. The feedback I received from my Commander was nothing short of amazing. It was honestly one of the best missions I had been apart of and received the same comments from team members. I just wanted to say thank you and your curriculum is a proven methodology and much appreciated.


Respectfully submitted,


Chris M-----

SWAT Team Leader

****** Police Department

Request Information:

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